Routing #272476433


Share the love. Get rewards

Sharing is caring so why not share the benefits of AAACU with those you love. Simply provide the info below and click "send" to email your family and friends. When the referral turns into a new relationship with AAACU, we will reward you and your friend.

  • $10.00 for new membership
  • $15.00 for new membership with debit
  • $25.00 for new membership with open and active Visa
  • $50.00 for new membership with open auto/rec vehicle loan
  • $150.00 for new membership with mortgage

The more you share, the more rewards you get!

Restrictions may apply. See complete rules for details.

Your Information








The personal information you provide for this offer will not be sold or provided to any third-party marketers. It will, however, be used for internal marketing purposes by Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union.


The refer-a-friend reward applies to both the referring member and the new member. Up to $250 bonus could be deposited to each membership’s par value required account when all membership, product and/or account opening requirements are met. See account opening materials for additional information; other conditions may apply. The referral bonus will be paid approximately 60 days from new membership opening, assuming accounts are still open, in good standing and new member is participating in the noted service program. If criteria is not met within 60 days, bonuses will not be paid.

The referrer must be an existing member of Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union (AAACU) and the referred must not currently be nor have been a member in the past 12 months. Member must have a valid U.S. taxpayer identification number to receive credit. Bonus is reported as dividends to account and will be reported on IRS form 1099-INT. All taxes due are the responsibility of the recipient.

Limited time offer. One new member offer per product type per social security number. Offer applies to consumer accounts only. Program may be modified or cancelled at any time without notice.

By participating in the refer-a-friend program, both parties are making it known to each other that they are account holders at Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union who participate in the above noted service programs.